NY Market

  • USD/JPY has been raised up to 111.48, however, again it couldn’t go over 111.50 and went down afterwards and sold down to 111.01, and closed the market between 111.20 – 25.
  • GBP has been bought strong as no deal Brexit was passed by EU Parliament. The price exceeded well over last day’s highest and pushed up to 1.3832 which is the highest since June 2018.
  • Stock market became bullish although Boeing stock continued to be sold. DOW raised $148 and S&P marked the highest rate in this recent 4 months.
  • Gold continued to be bearish and marked over $1300. Crude also went up to mid $58 as its stock being minimized.


USD/JPY: 111.01 – 111.47

EUR/USD: 1.1291 – 1.1339

EUR/JPY: 125.64 – 126.03

DOW: +148.23 –> 25,702.89 USD

GOLD: +11.20 –> 1,309.30 USD

WTI: +1.39 –> 58.47 USD

US 10y Treasury: +0.020 –> 2.621%

Remarkable Orders

Open Positions (Unredeemed Positions – possible bullish/bearish)

USD/JPY: Open Long positions at 111.850, Open Short positions at 110.000

EUR/USD: Open Long positions at 1.2650, Open Short positions at 1.12300

Open Orders (Unredeemed Orders – possible support/resistance)

USD/JPY: Open Buy orders at 111.200, Open Sell orders at 112.250

EUR/USD: Open Buy orders at 1.12400, Open Sell orders at 1.12950

Today’s Economic  Events

  • EUR(Germany)

7:00 GMT: Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (YoY, Feb)

  • USD

12:30 GMT: Initial Jobless Claims (Mar 4)

12:30 GMT: Continuing Jobless Claims (Mar 1)

14:00 GMT: New Home Sales (MoM Jan)

  • GBP

19:00 GMT: UK Parliamentary vote on Brexit