NY Market

  • USD/JPY has been bullish with small volatility. Due to positive US-China Summit and economic news, the rate raised up to 111.68.
  • EUR/USD dropped down to 1.1271 but hard to think it goes below 1.12.
  • Stock market raised positively. Dow raised +$166 and now above $26,300 due to positive US-China summit outlook.
  • Credit is in a range. Long-term interest is negative with small volatility.
  • Gold and Crude both bearish.


USD/JPY: 111.41 – 111.68

EUR/USD: 1.1206 – 1.1271

EUR/JPY: 124.97 – 125.31

DOW: +116.50 –> 26,384.63 USD

GOLD: -1.00 –> 1,294.30 USD

WTI: -0.009 –> 60.14 USD

US 10y Treasury: +0.011 –> 2.515 %

Remarkable Orders

Open Positions (Unredeemed Positions – possible bullish/bearish)

USD/JPY: Open Long positions at 110.050, Open Short positions at 110.700

EUR/USD: Open Long positions at 1.12300, Open Short positions at 1.12000

Open Orders (Unredeemed Orders – possible support/resistance)

USD/JPY: Open Buy orders at 110.800, Open Sell orders at 110.050

EUR/USD: Open Buy orders at 1.12100, Open Sell orders at 1.12350

Today’s Economic  Events

  • USD

12:30 GMT: Nonfarm Payrolls (Mar)

12:30 GMT: Average Hourly Earnings (MoM, YoY, Mar) 

12:30 GMT: Unemployment Rate (Mar)

12:30 GMT: Labor Force Participation Rate (Mar)

  • CAD

12:30 GMT: Participation Rate (Mar)

12:30 GMT: Net Change in Employment (Mar)

12:30 GMT: Average Hourly Wages (YoY, Mar)

12:30 GMT: Unemployment Rate (Mar)